Workshop: “Orthodoxy and the Dynamics of Power in Contemporary Russia”

The Center for Religion and Politics and the research project Values-Based Regime Legitimation in Russia invite you all to a workshop exploring the political and social role of the Orthodox Church in contemporary Russia and its neighboring countries.

Time and place: Aug. 27, 2024 1:15 PM – 4:00 PM, PAM Seminar Room 1

The Center for Religion and Politics and the research project Values-Based Regime Legitimation in Russia invite you all to a workshop exploring the political and social role of the Orthodox Church in contemporary Russia and its neighboring countries.

Three speakers will offer complementary perspectives and lead us into engaging discussions and reflections.

  • Saint Basil's CathedralAnsgar Jödicke (University of Fribourg, CH)
    Is Religion Russia’s Long Arm in the Caucasus and Ukraine?
  • Bojidar Kolov (UiO)
    War and (Russkiy) Mir: The Political Theology of the World Russian People’s Council
  • Pål Kolstø (UiO)
    Apocalyptic Justifications for the War in Ukraine in Russian Orthodox Discourse

The workshop will take place on Tuesday, August 27, from 13:15 to 16:00, in PAM Seminar Room 1.