Scrutinizing the Devil’s Plots: Magic, Witchcraft, and Inquisitions (XIII-XIX century)

Scrutinizing the Devil’s Plots: Magic, Witchcraft, and Inquisitions (XIII-XIX century), Triora Fourth Inquire Conference, 3-4 October 2024

Fourth Inquire Conference

Triora, 3-4 October 2024

Scrutinizing the Devil’s Plots: Magic, Witchcraft, and Inquisitions (XIII-XIX century)

Thursday 3 October

Introduction: Irene Bueno, Vincenzo Lavenia, Riccardo Parmeggiani

1. Late Medieval Magic and Demonology

Marina Montesano, “Malgigi scongiurò quello una notte”. Diavoli e magia nella letteratura del Quattrocento

Julien Véronèse, Magie et conjuration des démons, entre textes et procès (fin du Moyen Âge)

Alessia Belli, Girolamo Visconti, Bernardo Rategno e la trattatistica nell’Italia settentrionale tra tardo medioevo e prima età moderna

2. Late Medieval Cases

Martine Ostorero, Miracle de hostie, vol magique et cornemuse: la culture démonologique de l’inquisiteur François Granet (1481-1494)

Maxime Gelly-Perbellini, title t.b.c.

Pau Castell Granados, The Origins of Witchcraft in 15th-century Europe: the Pyrenean Paradigm

3. Alps and Liguria

Silvia Bertolin, Gli inizi della persecuzione della stregoneria nella Valle d’Aosta

Giulia Lovison, L’inquisitore fra’ Modesto Scrofeo e la caccia alle streghe di Sondrio (1523)

Paolo Portone-Valerio Giorgetta, La lunga caccia nella diocesi di Como tra continuità, perplessità e resistenze: due casi esemplari (XVI-XVII secolo)

Paolo Fontana, Evocazione demoniaca e pratiche di guarigione. Note su alcuni aspetti della stregoneria a Genova (secoli XVI-XIX)

Friday 4 October

4. Early Modern Inquisitions

Michaela Valente, “Io non so fare sortileggio, né incanto, né maleficio di sorte alcuna”: la voce delle presunte streghe nell’Italia dell’età moderna

Lu A. Homza, Vague Policies and Risky Outcomes: Spanish Inquisitors and Witch Suspects, 1500-1700

José Pedro Paiva, Misconceptions of the Early Modern Portuguese Inquisition: Jurema, Mandingas and Asian Witches

María Jesús Zamora Calvo, El diablo allende los mares: tratados demonológicos en Nueva España

5. Continental Europe: Contexts and Comparisons

Rita Voltmer, Urban Witchcraft Trials in the Framework of Social, Economic, Political, and Religious Conflicts. A Comparison

Ildikó Sz. Kristóf, Imported or Local „Witchcraft”? Demonologies, Heresies and Witch-Hunting in the Kingdom of Hungary, 16th-18th Centuries

Louise Kallestrup, Witchcraft and the Godly State: The Case of Denmark

Johannes Dillinger, Germany-the Mother of the Witches

Dries Vanysacker, No Holy Office-tribunals; so no Church-involvement at All? Witch Trials in the Low Countries (1450-1685)

Maryse Simon, La sorcellerie en Lorraine et sa répression par Nicolas Rémy indûment surnommé le Torquemada lorrain

6. The 19th Century

William Pooley, Inquisitorial Justice after the Inquisition? French Witchcraft in the Long 19th Century

Conclusions: Matteo Duni