Mani in Cambridge 3, 15-19th May 2024

General circular to all IAMS members: Mani in Cambridge 3, 15-19th May 2024

Dear friends,  

The Management Committee of the Ancient India and Iran Trust has approved 15-18/19 May 2024 as suitable dates for Mani in Cambridge 3 (2024).

Please keep the dates in your diary and I look forward to seeing you and other friends in Cambridge.  

I am hoping to extend the event to select scholars who research on Christianity on the Silk Road of whom several are also Manichaean scholars but there will be some who are not. The papers on Christianity will be scheduled for the 15th and I will give an opening lecture on the evening of 15th on both Christianity and Manichaeism on the Silk Road, and I hope some of the scholars on Silk Road Christianity will want to stay for the Manichaean sessions which will start on the morning of 16th.  

The event is open to all members of IAMS. Again, there will be no symposium fee, but you are expected to pay for your own travel and accommodation. There are many reasonably priced hotels situated near the Ancient India and Iran Trust (23 Brooklands Avenue, CB2 8BG) 

A number of scholars have already indicated their interest in participation, including a number of well-known scholars working on Christianity on the Silk Road and who are keen to meet scholars researching on Manichaeism. 

If you are interested in participating in Mani in Cambridge 3 please let me know / or reconfirm your interest /  before the end of 2023 and it will be helpful if you could let have the provisional title of your paper by then. 

Best wishes,

Sam Lieu  
