Summer School: Language, history, culture, and archaeology of Afghanistan

INALCO, L’Orientale, Fondation INALCO e ISMEO


SUMMER SCHOOL – Language, history, culture, and archaeology of Afghanistan

8-12 luglio 2024

Castello ducale Piazza Castello 2, 81037 Sessa Aurunca CE, Italy

Per maggiori informazioni si veda il bando in allegato

The deadline for applications is 10 May 2024. The first twelve students who apply will be admitted.

Registration fee: € 100,00; late payment (after 15/6/24) € 120,00.

Strangely eneough. in the call RELIGION is not mentioned. Afghanistan was indeed the stronghold of the the Kushan Empire (c. 30–c. 375 AD) that spread to encompass much of what is now Tajikistan, Uzbekistan,  Pakistan and esp. Afghanistan (= Bactriana). And, famously, Kushans inherited the Greco-Buddhist traditions of the Indo-Greek Kingdom they replaced, and between the mid-1st century and the mid-3rd century, Buddhism, patronised by the Kushans, extended to China and other Asian countries through the Silk Road.

The infamous destruction by the Islamic Emirate of the Buddhas of Bamiyan is recent history (2001, Mullah Omar).